B.K. Slocum

B.K. Slocum is a classically trained fine artist who graduated from William Patterson University with a BA in Fine arts. Barbara went on to become a published artist, a national and state award-winning art director/graphic designer but after 40 years in the design field, 14 of which were spent in the non-profit arena, she decided to return to the art world for art’s sake. She has gone on to illustrate several children’s books and study oil painting under Pual Abrams, Randy McIver, and Grace Barna.

Barbara draws inspiration from the world around her, catching moments in time that brought a smile to her face or a depth of emotion felt in her heart. The subjects are as varied and whimsical as life itself; from a random pile of sticks that look like a crab, the laughter of a child on a carnival ride to a fisherman hauling in the day’s catch. Never one to be locked into a style, Barbara switches up painting styles but her primary medium is oil paint.

If you are interested in purchasing artwork by any of our artists, please contact Nancy at 610-772-4305

B. K. Slocum’s Gallery