Nicole Wandersee ArtistNicole Wandersee Artist

Born in Geneva, Switzerland, Nicole (Nicki) Wandersee moved to the States when she was four years old. She grew up with her parents and three sisters on five acres in beautiful Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania.

Nicki’s first word was the name of the family’s pet dog Heidi, and her love of animals grew from there. While growing up, Nicki loved riding and showing her horses, raising dwarf bunnies, feeding the chickens, and helping to take care of all the other animals her family owned.

Realizing her passion for drawing in her 20’s, Nicki is self-taught, working mainly in pen, pencil and charcoal. However, at times, she also enjoys creating abstract paintings using colorful latex paint. Nicki has been displaying and selling her art around the Brandywine area including The Chadds Ford Elementary Art Show and was the featured artist at the Chadds Ford Winery. Nicki was honored to be chosen as the artist for the 2015, 2017, 2018, 2021 and 2022 Chadds Ford Historical Society’s Great Pumpkin Carve t-shirt.
Nicki currently resides in Chester County, Pennsylvania with her husband, their two cats Van Gogh (Van) and Da Vinci (Vinney) and their dog Zeppelin (Zeppy).

More of Nicki’s artwork can be found on her website,, or follow her on Facebook and Instagram by searching for NicsterArt. Any and all of what you find can be made into prints, just contact Nicki at or (484) 639-3623.

Nicki will have a selection of her artwork at the River House Gallery, #5 Rock Hall on Brochure map, during The Chestertown Studio Tour Oct. 2023

If you are interested in purchasing artwork by any of our artists, please contact Nancy at 610-772-4305

Nicole Wandersee’s Gallery